Fact: I am not a good drawer in Paint (That is Drah-err, not like a dresser drohr)
Fact: I am really not a good drah-err anywhere. I shouldn't just blame a bad program. After all, Paint really did provide Jake with seconds of entertainment on my last post.
Fact: Our mother did not leave us, she is merely on vacation in the post below.
Fact: All the kids are wearing our Yeagley numbered shirts but the numbers are on the back. Dad is wearing his General Cleanup shirt but I didn't even want to attempt to draw Mr. Clean.
Fact: The only attempt at any emotion I made in my artwork is Jake is growling and clenching his fists to show how strong he is. I hear he wants to poke the bear now that she has butt brain.
Fact: The Bear really is much closer to Jake's height in real life but I figured it would add to his showing of strength (really I just have no spacial concept and figured I would make it look intentional)