Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I need a new camera...

Because the drivers are no longer supported after Windows autimatically updated my life into boringness. So, I've decided to enter every internet contest to win one. So if you know of one, and don't mind the competition, forward it on. Maybe then I will start putting up more posts. Maybe not.

Now I will update you on the rest of the family since I know people will be angry if I only post this...

Dave got a haircut yesterday.

Murphy gets to come inside more and is much happier

Jack Jack lives with a dog named Rimshot and apparently behaves very well. Much better than he ever did here.

Paul got mad for no reason last night and bit me several times with her tiny kitty teeth. Then she got even more mad because I petted her on her belly where she hates it.

Leah can scoot around and has hijacked H's blog. She has no work ethic. She cries when we make her eat. She cries if she has to scoot too far. She basically cries when she has to make any effort at all. Except when she sticks out her tongue. I could not be more proud.

I got a haircut in May.


karin said...

I wish I knew of some contests but, sadly, I do not.

I hope Leah posts regularly for the next few months and that H can play some days.

I got a hair cut almost 2 years ago. My boys need haircuts.

Unknown said...

AJ wants a fancy-pants video camera. Are y'all in cahoots?

Anonymous said...

You can borrow our point-and-shoot until you get a fancy one for yourself. If you have to buy, talk to me first.

I got a haircut and pedi on Monday. I win.