Sunday, November 02, 2008

Which is worse?

Dressing Leah as a ladybug in a costume made for a dog that would be small enough to belong to Paris Hilton or dressing her as Celine Dion with a full blond wig? 

Dave refused to dress Leah in the Halloween costume I picked for her because he said the blond wig was trashy. I said, blond hair becomes what the outfit makes it. The outfit was neither tight nor low cut so I say not trashy. We came upon this lovely gem of white silk ruffly onesie shirt and matching silk pants also in white and I felt we had  no choice but to dress her as Celine. 

On Halloween, Dave had to drop Leah off to me at work on his way to work. There was a parade of babies all day long dressed up in all sorts of cute outfits. My coworkers wanted Leah to be dressed as well. I called Dave and told him that if Leah wasn't dressed up he would have to answer to an angry administrative staff.  He took her to the Walmarts and found a costume for a dog that was so small it looked like Leah was wearing a vest. The hood had holes for dog ears and there was a hole between the wings for a leash. She did still look cute.

Later, when we got ready for trick or treat, we switched the outfit to Celine. She didn't want to wear the wig so Ali and Liz exchanged it for sunglasses and lots of jewelry. She became Liberachi/Elton John. She is after all a tiny dancer.  Ali posted pictures on her blog. Hopefully, she'll put the rest on flickr (not very subtle I know but really, get on it)


karin said...

I saw her photos on her blog and was really hoping there were more, so yeah Ali, get on it.

Anonymous said...

Listen Karen/Karin, all the best photos are on my blog.

Unknown said...

I think all her costumes were Fabulous.