Thursday, August 07, 2008

Because Emily's Blog is the Boss of Me.

But only for today.  She made a list of all the things her boy is up to and asked for a list from all us lazy bloggers even though she worded it much nicer.

Dave is ungrowing by leaps and bounds. I can't seem to get that boy to eat. I think it's because the giant orange tub of nuclear snacks my grandma was kind enough to give us is gone.  He has been walking for some time now. 39 years I think. With a brief period at age 2 where he gave it up. I know it isn't a contest between him and H but I really think Dave's development is really coming along.

I don't see him dance much like H does but that might be my fault. He has had all his friends come visit us. Dave said he is not my kid, he is my buddy. 

He also uses a lunch box.

Now for Emily....

Emily gave up working in exchange for a kid and a trip to PA. The kid I can see as a justification. The trip to PA? NOT A GOOD IDEA. DO YOU HEAR ME AJ? NOT A GOOD IDEA.

The other thing she gave up her employment for temporarily. The wrangle my kid. And she's pretty in need of wrangling these days. 

Emily makes genius foods like brownies with cut up Rolos in them. Sometime I think we should be pregnant at the same time so I can benefit from her late pregnancy food creations. One thing I think she'll never do is make CHOCOLATE BACON BARS. Ali says they are to die for. I would consider death as an alternative to eating one even though they have gotten rave reviews from several people.

Oh those two and their antics.


Anonymous said...

The bacon and chocolate is surprisingly delicious. I would have never tried it unless Joseph told me too, because it sounds really gross. Don't be such a sissy and try it.

karin said...

I want brownies with chopped up rolos. And I am glad Emily is the boss of your blog (at least today), I need the entertainment.

Unknown said...

I don't think my blog told you to do what you thought it did. But we accept.

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