Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I Got Tons of Loot and I didn't Even Have to Eat Unlabled Baby Food

2007 marks the year of the best baby shower ever had. There are so many things that make it superior.

1. Full Thanksgiving Meal
2. Ali dressed as a slutty trophy wife
3. I was able to take the prettiest baby dress ever and make it wierd (it was being pulled on a sled led by a ceramic dog)
4. The only game played was a murder mystery in which everyone wore costumes and really got into their parts. I don't think I have ever seen such good impromptu actors in my life.
5. The cake had turkeys dressed in diapers
6. My dad came
7. The awsomest ever people that threw it made it the perfect baby shower for me by having an office gift exchange as part of the party so I wouldn't have to sit in the middle of the room and open all the presents whilst everyone stared at me oohing and aahing
8. My husband spent the entire night hitting on his cousin
9. My husband in the game was an infant. I guess now I know a little about how Dave feels being married to me, a person more than a decade younger than him. I don't typically ask him to change my diaper though.
10. The Golden Girls came
11. Fallon's glasses.
12. Dave and I are 80% equipped for the Big Orange Baby. She is coming in 7 weeks or so.

There are many more reasons that I can't remember at the present moment because I am really pregnant and dumber than the mechanical dancing turkey that currently adorns our tv cabinet but I just want to say thank you again to Ali, Liz, Emily and anyone else that helped them to get this. I think this party has outdone all the other ones we did but I may be biased because it was so tailored towards me.

Also, thanks to everyone who came and everyone who has sent us gifts. This is not a cheesy replacement for real thank you cards. I will send you one.

One more thing...Liz...are you my mummy?


Elizabeth said...

no i am not your mummy...but just this once, karen, everybody lives!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the props. The biggest miracle is that I was able to pull my character together considering that I am currently dumber than the mechanical dancing turkey that adorns the top of your TV cabinet.

Unknown said...

Ali's costume made me squeal with glee. Your list was the very truest list I ever read.
Happy baby, and don't give me a thank you note.

karin said...

I enjoy your list and I think it is why I would consider doing a party like that (especially reason #2).